Church Officer & Leadership Training (COLT)
COLT Materials
COLT 2020 Postponed
Registration for COLT is open and the brochures are here! Please see the buttons above which will take you to the brochure. Brochures have also been sent to all the churches.
We are very excited to present Tod Bolsinger as our keynote speaker this year. He is the author of “Canoeing the Mountains” and a sought-after speaker!
This year at COLT we are thrilled to have more opportunities to hear from our keynote speaker during the day. Also we will all be able to choose a conversation group to join during lunch; these conversation groups will be facilitated by various leaders from the presbytery.
COLT is for anyone and everyone in the church – leaders and potential leaders! Please invite and share information with Sunday School leaders, committee chairpersons, Officers, Youth leaders, PW groups and more!