
They shall reaffirm the vows taken at Baptism by:
professing their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
renouncing evil and affirming their reliance on God's grace
declaring their intention to participate actively and responsibly in the worship and mission of the Church

As our congregations and committees make plans and decisions about the very important time in the life of a young person, that of professing faith/confirmation, it is very helpful to have some resources to guide a pastor or a group through that wonderful process.

Feel free to drop by the Resource Center to take a look at the resources available for confirmation classes or come by and check them out so that you might share them with your committee or Session.

The church nurtures those baptized as children and calls them to make public their personal profession of faith and their acceptance of responsibility in the life of the church. When these persons are ready, they shall be examined by the session. After the session has received them as active members they shall be presented to the congregation during a service of public worship. In that service the church shall confirm them in their baptismal identity.

They are commissioned for full participating in the mission and governance of the church, and are welcomed by the congregation.

- W-4.2003, Book of Order 2015-2017